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At Olinc Industrial Products & Equipments Limited, we are the leading dealer of genuine Rockwool insulation blankets and other thermal insulation materials for your applications.


Rockwool insulation blanket in Kenya, is a type of insulation material made from natural rocks and minerals. The most common type of rockwool is made from basalt rock, which is melted at high temperatures and then spun into fibers. These fibers are then bound together with a binder and formed into various shapes and sizes, such as batts, rolls, or boards.

Rockwool products in Kenya have service temperature between 750 degrees C and 1000 degrees C. Rockwool, as an insulation material in Kenya, possesses several features that make it popular for various applications.

Here are some key features of rockwool insulation blanket in Kenya:

1. Thermal Insulation: Rockwool has excellent thermal insulating properties, helping to regulate indoor temperatures by reducing heat transfer through walls, ceilings, and floors.

2. Acoustic Insulation: R0ckwool is an effective sound absorber, making it suitable for applications where noise reduction is important, such as in residential and commercial buildings.

3. Fire Resistance: Rockwool is inherently fire-resistant. It can withstand high temperatures without melting or releasing toxic fumes, providing an added layer of safety in building applications.

4. Water Repellency: Rockwool is water-repellent, meaning it does not absorb water easily. This property helps prevent moisture-related issues, such as mold and mildew growth, and maintains the material’s insulation performance.

5. Chemical Resistance: Rockwool is generally resistant to most chemicals, enhancing its durability and suitability for various environments.

6. Mold and Mildew Resistance: The water-repellent nature of rockwool, combined with its inorganic composition, makes it resistant to mold and mildew growth, contributing to a healthier indoor environment.

7. Durable and Long Lasting: Rockwool is a durable material that does not degrade easily over time. It retains its insulating properties for an extended period, contributing to the longevity of the building envelope.

8. Versatility in Applications: Rockwool is available in various forms, including batts, rolls, boards, and loose-fill. This versatility allows it to be used in a wide range of applications, from residential and commercial insulation to industrial and horticultural uses.

9. Environmentally Friendly: Rockwool is made from natural and abundant resources, such as basalt rock. It is considered a sustainable option, and its production involves minimal environmental impact compared to some other insulation materials.

10. Inert and Non-Combustible: Rockwool is inert and non-combustible, meaning it does not react with other materials and does not contribute to the spread of fire.

Rockwool insulation blanket in Kenya is commonly used in residential and commercial buildings for insulating walls, ceilings, and floors. Additionally, rockwool is used in horticulture as a growing medium for hydroponic systems and container gardening.

Some common uses of rockwool in Kenya include:

1. Building Insulation: One of the primary uses of rockwool is as a building insulation material. It is used to insulate walls, ceilings, and floors, providing thermal comfort and energy efficiency in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.

2. Acoustic Insulation: Rockwool’s ability to absorb sound makes it an excellent choice for acoustic insulation. It is used in theaters, recording studios, offices, and other spaces where noise control is essential.

3. Fire Protection: Due to its fire-resistant properties, rockwool is employed in applications where fire protection is crucial. It can be used in fire doors, fire barriers, and other fire-rated constructions.

4. Horticulture: Rockwool is widely used in horticulture as a growing medium for hydroponic systems and container gardening. It provides a stable and well-aerated substrate for plant roots and can be used for both soilless and soil-based cultivation.

5. Industrial Insulation: In industrial settings, rockwool is utilized for insulating equipment, pipes, and tanks. It helps prevent heat loss or gain and maintains stable temperatures in industrial processes.

6. Pipe Insulation: Rockwool insulation is commonly used to insulate pipes, helping to reduce heat loss and maintain consistent temperatures in plumbing and HVAC systems.

7. Cavity Wall Insulation: Rockwool is employed in cavity walls to enhance thermal insulation. It helps to reduce heat transfer and improve energy efficiency in buildings.

8. Roof Insulation: Rockwool is used in roof constructions to provide thermal insulation and enhance the overall energy efficiency of a building.

9. Green Roofs: Rockwool can be incorporated into green roof systems, contributing to insulation while supporting plant growth.

10. Oven and Appliance Insulation: The fire-resistant and insulating properties of rockwool make it suitable for use in ovens, stoves, and other household appliances.

11. Shipbuilding: Rockwool is used in the shipbuilding industry for insulating bulkheads, decks, and other areas where thermal and acoustic insulation is required.

12. Cold Storage: In cold storage facilities, rockwool helps maintain low temperatures by insulating walls and ceilings.

The insulation properties of rockwool make it an energy-efficient choice for buildings, helping to reduce heating and cooling costs. It is also considered a sustainable material as it is made from abundant and natural resources. However, it’s essential to handle rockwool carefully, as the fibers can be irritating to the skin and respiratory system. Proper protective equipment, such as gloves and a mask, should be used when working with rockwool insulation.


Rockwool and fiberglass are both popular insulation materials, but they differ in composition, manufacturing processes, properties, and applications. Here’s a concise comparison of rockwool and fiberglass:

  1. Composition:

    • Rockwool: Made from natural rocks, typically basalt or volcanic rocks, melted and spun into fibers. It may include a binder for cohesion.
    • Fiberglass: Composed of molten glass that is spun into fibers and formed into insulation material. It may also contain a binder.
  2. Material Origin:

    • Rockwool: Derived from natural minerals, making it a type of mineral wool.
    • Fiberglass: Derived from glass, a synthetic material.
  3. Insulating Properties:

    • Both provide effective thermal and acoustic insulation, reducing heat transfer and sound transmission.
  4. Fire Resistance:

    • Rockwool: Inherently fire-resistant and can withstand high temperatures without melting.
    • Fiberglass: Generally fire-resistant but can melt at high temperatures.
  5. Water Absorption:

    • Rockwool: Typically water-repellent, reducing the risk of water absorption.
    • Fiberglass: Can absorb water, potentially affecting its insulation properties.
  6. Density:

    • Rockwool: Tends to be denser, providing a more rigid and durable insulation material.
    • Fiberglass: Generally has a lower density.
  7. Rigidity:

    • Rockwool: Tends to be more rigid and has better structural integrity.
    • Fiberglass: Can be softer and more flexible.
  8. Applications:

    • Rockwool: Widely used in residential and commercial buildings, industrial settings, and horticulture (hydroponic systems).
    • Fiberglass: Commonly used in residential and commercial buildings, air ducts, and automotive applications.
  9. Irritation Potential:

    • Both materials have fibers that can be irritating to the skin and respiratory system, so proper protective measures are recommended.
  10. Environmental Impact:

    • Rockwool: Generally considered a sustainable choice as it is made from natural minerals.
    • Fiberglass: Production involves melting sand and recycled glass, but the sustainability may vary depending on the manufacturing process and source of raw materials.

The choice between rockwool and fiberglass often depends on specific project requirements, preferences, and regulations. Both materials have their advantages and considerations, and proper safety precautions should be followed when handling and installing either insulation material.

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